February 20

Productivity Via Discomfort


I’ve been learning two very important skills for the last few months, and I’d like to share them. Hopefully you’ll find them useful. 

#1: Be a Perpetual Learner

Don’t get caught up trying to look like you’re an expert. People love to be recognized for their expertise, and for the most part, people like helping others. Don’t be afraid to ask someone to share their expertise. 

#2: Just Get on the Phone

There is tremendous value in just picking up the phone and getting things done. Sometimes it’s awkward, but the discomfort fades quickly, replaced by the satisfaction that I’ve accomplished something important.

As I’ve worked to get my startup off the ground, I’ve implemented these principles countless times. I’ve found that one of the most productive and motivating things I can do in a day is to pick up the phone, call someone I hardly know, and say: 

Hey, I hear you’re an expert with [topic] and I’m just starting to learn about it. Mind if I pick your brain for a few minutes? I’ll take you to lunch if you’d like.

What have you been getting better at lately?


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